What Are Abfractions and How Do You Treat Them

A dental ABFRACTION is a notched-out area on the root of a tooth at the gumline. There are several causes for this. It can be caused by toothbrush wear over a period of time…usually by vigorous brushing in certain areas or by the use of a hard-bristled toothbrush. The hard enamel of the tooth is unaffected while the softer root becomes worn, creating a notch at the gumline of the tooth.

In the past it was believed that a change in tooth brushing method prevented further notching of the tooth. Recent studies now show that notching slowly increases over time even with corrected tooth brushing habits. Another cause is improper forces on teeth; tooth grinding and clenching place extra stress on teeth. The reason is that all teeth flex very slightly at the gumline with chewing, clenching and grinding and the notched areas deepen due to this flexure. It occurs slowly but can become very deep over time even to the point of affecting and killing the nerve of the tooth.

For that reason treating the abfraction may include up to two steps; such as wearing a Biteguard or restoring the tooth. If tooth grinding or clenching is the problem, we may prescribe a biteguard to absorb those stresses and protect your teeth. The second phase will be restoring the deep areas of notching by filling them with a bonded tooth-colored filling to protect from further notching and possible damage to the nerve of the tooth. Tooth colored fillings can repair the damage and restore the tooth to nearly it’s original color and shape.
