Do You Want Fresher Breath?

Forget what you’ve heard – most bad breath starts right in the mouth. (Now obviously, if you’ve just eaten a pizza loaded with garlic and onions you’ll have bad breath and, yes, this is coming from your lungs as well as from your mouth. But this is temporary. Chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, chronic dry mouth and other medical conditions, certain medications and a host of other factors can also cause bad breath.) But in practically 90% of the cases, garden-variety chronic bad breath, and even mediocre breath, are caused by a certain type of bacteria (anaerobes) living in the crevices of the tongue, under the gums and in the nooks and crannies on the teeth. These anaerobes give off waste products that contain sulfur gases that cause the odor of bad breath.
There is no permanent cure for 90% of oral halitosis. It requires long-term management to minimize the numbers of the anaerobic bacteria and to rid the accumulation of the sulfur gases.
Basically 3 steps are involved to do this:

1. First and most importantly is the elimination of gum pockets and tooth decay. This of course is detected through a thorough exam of the teeth and gums by your Dentist.

2. The second source of accumulation of anaerobic bacteria is the TONGUE. The tongue is like a deep shag carpet where food and bacteria collect. Toward the back of the tongue is especially prone to accumulation. Use of a TONGUE SCRAPER aids in cleaning this hard-to-reach area.

3. Thirdly, specific mouthrinses, such as BreathRx, act to (1) kill bacteria and to (2) neutralize the odor of sulfur gases by breaking the sulfur bond. breathrx-mouthrinse-33oz

Unlike commonly used popular mouthwash brands, these mouthrinses DO NOT CONTAIN ALCOHOL. Alcohol kills bacteria but it also dries the mouth which leads to a greater re-accumulation of anaerobic bacteria. Also, the commonly used popular mouthwash brands perfume the breath rather than neutralizing the sulfur gases.

If you are interested in finding out more about fresher breath we will be happy to answer your questions.

