Healthy Gum Tissue

What does your hygienist look for when she/he is checking your gum tissue?

Color– Healthy gum tissue is generally light coral pink or lightly pigmented in color. No areas of redness are present where the teeth and gums meet.
Consistency– Gum tissue should be firm around the margins of the teeth. Puffy areas can be evidence of gingivitis and inflammation.
Texture– Healthy gum tissue, when dry, has a dimpled texture, similar to an orange peel. Areas of smooth and shiny tissue may indicate inflammation and swollen gums.
Contour– The way your gum contours around your tooth is an indicator of healthy gums. The sharper and tighter the margins of your gum hug your tooth the better. Puffiness of the gum around the margin of your tooth can indicate gingivitis and gum irritation.
Bleeding– Healthy gums should never bleed… Ever! Bleeding gums in any area is an indication of gingivitis and potentially gum disease.

Unhealthy gums:
